XII Microcompo AY music-disk [Vol. 5] Music Disk with 6 songs and 3 graphics from XII Microcompo AY contest organized by the AAMSX in collaboration with CulturaChip in 2023. Requires MSX1 or better with 64KB of RAM.
25th AAMSX Aniversary Disk Dsk witht he intro invitation of the 50 RU of MSX de Barcelona 25 Anniversary of AAMSX and the game MSXWars v.1.2 by 303BCN & TPM. December 3, 2016 in Espai Jove la Fontana, Barcelona
XI Microcompo AY music-disk [Vol. 4] Music Disk with 8 songs from XI Microcompo AYI contest organized by the AAMSX in collaboration with CulturaChip in 2019. Requires MSX1 or better with 64KB of RAM.
X Microcompo AY music-disk [Vol. 3] Music Disk with 7 songs from V Microcompo AYI contest organized by the AAMSX in collaboration with CulturaChip in 2017. Requires MSX1 or better with 64KB of RAM.
VI Microcompo AY music-disk [Vol. 2] Music Disk with 10 songs from VI Microcompo AY contest organized by the AAMSX in collaboration with CulturaChip in 2015. Requires MSX1 or better with 64KB of RAM.
50 RU INVITRO (ROM) Intro invitation of the 50 RU of MSX de Barcelona 25 Anniversary of AAMSX December 3, 2016 in Espai Jove la Fontana, Barcelona
V Microcompo AY music-disk Music Disk with 10 songs from V Microcompo AY contest organized by the AAMSX in collaboration with culturachip. Requires MSX1 or better with 64KB of RAM.
44RU INVITRO (ROM) 32K ROM, you can run from flashrom, disc (ODO, loadROM, etc..), or directly from an emulator.